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•   Alan Beaurline  1/31
•   Roger Zimmerman  1/20
•   Bette Sue Goldstaff (Goessling)  1/15
•   Karen J. Lichty  1/7
•   Kurtis R Fowich  12/2
•   Annette Lezza (Leck)  11/25
•   Robert F. Weinsheim Jr  11/24
•   Craig C. Chambers  9/27
•   Dale L. Budde  9/11
•   Carole A. Martin (Anderson)  9/3
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Welcome to the York Community High Class Of 1963 web site. So glad that you found us! Now that you are here, look around and let's get this party started!

Our 50th reunion is now in the books. What a fantastic occasion! Stay tuned for photos and a few first-hand accounts of the festivities. Very special thank you to the reunion committee and volunteers for their efforts, but most of all to you, the Class of 1963! You are a very special group!


Please update your profile. You can come back and change your profile information as often as you like. We will add your Senior picture when you update, and we hope you will post a recent picture of yourself and/or family as well. 

Our 50th Reunion was held on September 13,14 &15, 2013


more Quotes

Content copyright 2013. York High School Class of 1963. All rights reserved.


Admin Note (1-1-18) I am posting a link to the Caring Classmates Forum in the Duke Dialog section so we can stay up with those who are ailing and/or recovering from illness, surgery etc. I'll leave it here until everyone gets a hang of using the DD forum. To access that forum click on this link:


Admin note: If you add photos, by virtue of the software, they will upload directly to your profile, limiting viewing to those who are subscribed to your profile. If you would like to share photos with everyone, please submit them to me directly at or to the "class of 63" email listed in the Contact link, left side of page. I will then put them in the Photo Gallery and all can view them.  Thanks!  Dave


The website has a feature to recognize classmates who have served in the military. We would like to expand that a bit to include anyone who served their country in the Peace Corps as well. Just utilize the feature in your profile for military and where it has the field for a branch, simply type in Peace Corps.


Soliciting photos of our military veterans in their uniforms.  If you can send a photo electronically to me at If you don't have access to a scanner and want to be involved, I can scan them for you and will return your originals. We should at least have a brigade or wing or fleet or so out there...




Richard A. Adams  2/13
Russell E. Bixby  2/20
Les Zunkel  2/22
Richard H. Burn  3/9
James H. Mikoda  3/14
Barbara G. Clarke  3/15